Trusting no one

"You probably don’t remember me, but I’ve been thinking about you for years. I still remember the day you were born—your mother was so excited, she called me right from the hospital. I was living overseas at the time, but I couldn’t wait to meet you. I used to send little gifts for your birthdays, though I’m not sure if they ever reached you. Life has a way of pulling people apart, and I regret that we lost touch.

I often think about reconnecting with family, and when I came across your name, I couldn’t resist reaching out. I’ve wondered how you’ve been, what you’re up to, if you’ve had a good life. I’d love to hear from you if you’re open to it. Even if you don’t remember me, it would mean a lot to just know that you’re okay. I understand if this is unexpected or if you’re too busy to respond, but I’m here if you ever want to talk. I’m so proud of the person I’m sure you’ve become."

He marked it as spam, thinking, “Damn, spammers are getting very creative these days!”